Italy’s Meloni defends repatri…
글쓴이 지중해지역원 조회 430 조회 날짜 25-01-29 18:39내용
ROME (AP) — Italy’s prime minister on Saturday addressed growing criticism of the repatriation of a Libyan warlord wanted by the International Criminal Court, as Giorgia Meloni cited an appeals court order and security concerns.
The repatriation of Ossama Anjiem to Libya, a key partner in Europe’s efforts to keep migrants from crossing the Mediterranean and landing on its shores, sparked outrage from human rights groups and questions from Italy’s opposition parties.
Meloni said her government will ask the ICC to clarify why it took months to issue the arrest warrant for Anjiem, also known as Ossama al-Masri, and why it was issued only after he traveled through at least three European countries.
“Al-Masri was released by an order of Rome’s Court of Appeal ... It was not a government choice,” Meloni told journalists during a trip to Saudi Arabia.
출처 : AP News
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