논문모집안내(Call for paper) > African Studies

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논문모집안내(Call for paper)


글쓴이 지중해지역원 조회 3,326 조회 날짜 21-06-24 08:48
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>> 아프리카학연구』 논문 모집 안내 << 

The journal of African Studies issued by the Center for North African Studies of Institute for Mediterranean Studies at Busan University of Foreign Studies, Republic of Korea, is calling for papers. 

The journal addresses African regional affairs and discusses crucial developments in culture and politics.

It addresses global issues such as the African influence on international affairs and its multi-cultural dimensions.

We welcome the submission of manuscripts dealing with the fields of History & Humanities as well as Social Sciences.

Subjects for paper: politics, economics, history, archaeology, literature, languages, arts, society etc. regarding the African

* Date of Submission :

* Address to submit : Please send your paper to either imscnas@gmail.com

* Date of publication (every year)

No.1) 28th of February

No.2) 31th of August

Before the submission, please refer to our regulations as well as to the text formatting and citation rules on our website:

Submission Guide (for authors):

Code of Ethics :

All submitted papers will be evaluated under a strict and fair peer review process.

Please notice that there is no guarantee for a submitted article to be published.

The Editorial Board, The Journal of African Studies

Center for North African Studies

of Institute for Mediterranean Studies,

Busan University of Foreign Studies

65, Geumsaemro 485 beon-gil, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea.


Tel) +82-51-509-6695 / +82-51-509-6670

E-mail) imscnas@gmail.com



⦁ 주제


아프리카 지역의 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화, 역사, 어문학, 국제개발협력, 공공외교, 분쟁, 보건학 등의 지역연구


⦁ 발간월

2, 8(2회 발간)


⦁ 발간 일정



투고 신청

논문 제출 마감


각 권 제1




각 권 제2






⦁ 논문 투고

아프리카연구센터 이메일을 통해 투고 imsafrica@ims.or.kr


⦁ 투고 지침

논문 투고 지침: http://ims.or.kr/ims/jas/2 참조


⦁ 투고 자격

국내/외 대학의 전임/비전임 교원 및 석사학위 소지 이상의 연구자


⦁ 논문 게재비

심사비 및 논문 게재료 별도 없음


⦁ 게재 논문 제공

투고자 논문 별쇄본 제공


⦁ 연락처


(46234) 부산광역시 금정구 금샘로 485번길 65, A520

아프리카연구센터 아프리카학연구편집위원회


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Institute For Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies, 65, Geumsaem-ro 485beon-gil, Geumjeong-gu, Busan, Korea, 609-780
Tel: +82-51-509-6651 Fax: +82-51-509-6651 email: meditstudies@ims.or.kr