Cooperation with the Information and Decision Support center (IDSC) of the Egyptian Cabinet > Domestics and Overseas Activities

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Domestics and Overseas Activities

활동 Cooperation with the Information and Decision Support center…

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Writer 지중해지역원 Hit 270 Hits Date 24-08-19 17:05
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Cooperation with the Information and Decision Support center (IDSC) of the Egyptian Cabinet  

In the context of deepening relations between IMS and Egyptian research centers, on 6 Aug. 2024, Mona Farouk M. Ahmed, director of the center for North African studies, visited the Information and Decision Support center of the Egyptian Cabinet at its headquarters in the New Administrative Capital of Egypt, where she participated in a meeting with senior officials at the center to discuss avenues of cooperation and preparation for signing a cooperation agreement to strengthen collaboration with IMS.





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