전시회 2021 한글-아랍어-페르시아어 캘리그라피 교류전시회 …
글쓴이 지중해지역원 조회 6,387 조회 날짜 21-12-15 14:39내용
Development of Kofi calligraphy
Title: Whoever hopes to meet his Lord should do a good deed
Artist: Unknown
Date: 15th century
Style: Rayhan script, Persian translation in Roqa script
Dimensions: 38*55
Astan Quds Razavi Library
Title: My Lord is Forgiving, Most Merciful
Artist: Unknown
Date: 14th century
Style: Rayhan script
Dimensions: 24*32
Astan Quds Razavi Library
Title: Free-will.
Artist: Unknown
Date: 14th century
Style: Naskh and Rayhan script
Dimensions: 24*32
Astan Quds Razavi Library
Title: Revelation
Artist: Unknown
Date: 12 the century
Style: Rayhan script
Astan Quds Razavi Library
Title: In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Artist: Abd Allah Baydhavi
Date: 15th century
Style Naskh and Persian translation in Nastaliq script (Kashmir-style)
Dimensions: 25*35
Astan Quds Razavi Library
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