The Online Conference on Intellectual Interactions Between Judaism,Christianity, and Islam (in the fields of philosophy, mysticism,theology, science, art, culture,and any other field of study relevant to the conference theme) > 공지사항

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학술대회 The Online Conference on Intellectual Interactions Between …


글쓴이 지중해지역원 조회 4,779 조회 날짜 23-03-16 14:00
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Intellectual Interactions Between Judaism,Christianity, and Islam

(in the fields of philosophy, mysticism,theology, science, art, culture,and any other field of study relevant to the conference theme) 

 18th April 2023



Introduction to the conference on the impact of Abrahamic religions on each other: 

"The Abrahamic religions - Islam, Judaism, and Christianity - have a rich and complex history of interaction and influence. Over the centuries, these religions have shaped each other in countless ways, from the exchange of intellectual and theological ideas to the sharing of cultural and narrative traditions. Today,as the world continues to globalize, the relationship between Abrahamic religions has become increasingly important, both for understanding the past and for shaping the future. 

The purpose of this conference is to bring together scholars and experts from a range of disciplines to explore the impact of Abrahamic religions on each other from intellectual, theological, narrative, and jurisprudential perspectives.Our goal is to foster a vibrant and productive conversation that sheds light on the complexities of this relationship and helps to promote greater understanding and cooperation between these traditions.

We are honored to host this event and look forward to a lively and enlightening exchange of ideas and perspectives. Whether you are a scholar, practitioner, or simply interested in this fascinating area of study, we invite you to join us and be a part of this important conversation." Some subjects for papers on the impact of Abrahamic religions on each other:

Here are some subjects for papers on the impact of Abrahamic religions:

Intellectual influences:

"Greek Philosophy and Early Christian Theology: A Study of Intellectual Influences"

"Transmission of Aristotelian Thought: Arabic and Jewish Philosophers and their Impact on Western Philosophy"

"Medieval Islamic Thought and the European Renaissance:Tracing the Intellectual Influences"

Theological influences:

"Monotheistic Beliefs and the Development of Abrahamic Theologies"

"Inter-Religious Dialogue and the Shaping of Theological Concepts"

"Mystical and Esoteric Traditions and their Influence on Abrahamic Religions"

Narrative influences:

"Influence of Biblical Narratives on Islamic and Christian Theology"

"Hagio graphical Literature and its Role in Shaping Inter-Religious Relationships"

"Shared Stories and Legends and the Development of Abrahamic Identities"

Jurisprudential influences:

"Impact of Islamic Law on Jewish and Christian Legal Traditions"

"Religious Courts and their Role in Shaping Inter-Religious Relations"

"Canon Law and the Development of Islamic Jurisprudence: A Comparative Study"


Institute for Mediterranean Studies

In December 1997, the Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS) at Busan University of Foreign Studies (Republic of Korea) was founded with the purpose of focusing on the Mediterranean as a unit of research and promoting academic exchange in the diverse fields of Mediterranean Studies. The main objective of the IMS is to concentrate research efforts on the political systems, economy,history, culture and society of the Mediterranean region and to keep pace with Korea's social and academic needs for comprehensive studies of this region. ​

The IMS intends to contribute towards further establishing Mediterranean Studies beyond the frontiers of its native Korea, and to promote this research focus through links with established institutes working on Europe, the Middle East,North Africa, or the Western and Arab world in general.

The IMS is currently supported and funded by the Humanities Korea (HK) Project of the Korea Research Foundation (KRF), a public organization operating under the Ministry of Education in Korea. The majority of the Institute’s academic activity is directed to meeting the research agenda set by the KRF, especially in the field of Foreign Area Studies[Research Agenda: A Study on the Cultural Interactions of the Mediterranean Civilizations (Term: 2007.11-2017.8)].

The University of Religions and Denominations

The University of Religions and Denominations is an international, non-profit and non-governmental university that provides academic education in the field of world religions. This university is the first and only university specializing in religions and denominations in Iran and the world, which, while recognizing religions and denominations, insists upon interaction and dialogue with their followers based on commonalities. The main goal of the university is to train human resources experts in the field of religions and denominations, as well as research in this field in the direction of human solidarity, strengthening peace, and reducing human suffering by expanding spirituality and ethics.Therefore, various topics related to religions are taught in this university with different and interdisciplinary approaches in many different fields.

The University of Religions and Denomination has the largest number of students among non-profit universities in Iran. In addition to Iranian students, about 12,000 foreign scholars from 35 nationalities are studying in this university.So far, about five hundred high-ranking scientific, cultural and political delegations from 52 countries have visited this university, and many memorandums of understanding have been established between them and the University of Religions and denominations. This university organizes numerous scientific trips to different parts of the world for its students to learn about different religions and cultures.

University of Religions and Denominations has defined the vision of the next ten years tor each the university rank of the most prominent university in Iran, one of the top five universities in the region and one of the well-known universities in the world. This university aims to be a reference in the recognition,development and deepening of studies of religions and denominations, training of scientific elites, religious thinkers and social reformers, and playing a role in scientific assemblies and inter-religious and inter-denomination dialogues in Iran and the world. One of the important goals of the University of Religions and denominations is to train graduates who can play a role in understanding and finding solutions to religious and denominations challenges.

Associationof History, Literature, Science and Technology (AHLIST)

The AHLiST aims to foster original and realistic research of the interdisciplinary character and promote invigorating international cooperation. The AHLiST is anon-profit and academic organization. In 2009 it was founded by Professors SongNo and Yonsoo Kim of Purdue University and a group of North-American and European specialists interested in interdisciplinary collaboration between HASS(Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences) and STEM (Science, Technology,Engineering, and Mathematics). Since 2010, the AHLiST has received a number of institutional support from Purdue University (USA), the Universidad Complutensede Madrid (Spain), the Saint Louis University at Madrid (Spain), Univesidad deNebrija (Spain), University of Houston (USA), Tsinghua University (China),Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia), Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal),Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), the Centro de estudiosliterarios de Antonio Cornejo Polar (Peru), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid(Spain), and Busan University of Foreign Studies (South Korea). 

AndI included Prof. Paulo Batista´s email in this message so that he can make his own comments.


Center for Islamo-Mediterranean Studies

The Center for Islamic-Mediterranean Studies, operating under the Mediterranean Studies Institute at Busan University of Foreign Studies, is dedicated to promoting research on Islamic-Mediterranean studies. The center's research programs encompass all aspects of cultural, social, political, economic, historical, and civilizational issues from the past to the present. However, its focus is exclusively on Islamic issues related to the Mediterranean, and as such, it does not cover Islamic studies that are unrelated to the Mediterranean or Mediterranean topics that are not Islamic.

Inits two-year existence, the center has already organized two joint seminars with the Islamic Area Studies Center of Kyoto University. It has also collaborated with the Korean Calligraphers Association and Astan Quds Razavi of Mashhad in Pusan in organizing an exhibition on Arabic-Persian and Korean calligraphy.

Over all,the Center for Islamic-Mediterranean Studies aims to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of Islamic-Mediterranean studies through rigorous research and scholarly activities.


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