2021 한글-아랍어-페르시아어 캘리그라피 교류전시회 전시작품_6 > Lectures and Exhibitions

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Lectures and Exhibitions

전시회 2021 한글-아랍어-페르시아어 캘리그라피 교류전시회 전시작품_6

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Writer 지중해지역원 Hit 7,557 Hits Date 21-12-16 15:36
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Modern Persian Calligraphy 


Title: The blessings to all mankind.

Artist: Farhad Shirkhani

Date: 2018

Dimensions:  50 * 70 cm

Astan Quds Razavi,Musiume and Center for Artistic Creations 


Title: Beauty

Artist: Ali Akbar Rezvani


Dimensions:  50 * 70 cm

Astan Quds Razavi, Musiume and Center for Artistic Creations 


Title: Moment 

Artist: Alireza Behdani 

Dimensions: 90 * 120

Date: 2016

Astan Quds Razavi, Musiume and Center for Artistic Creations 


Title: Allah (God)

Artist: … 

Calligraphy and Tiling, on the wall, the shrine of Imam Reza, Mashhad, Iran. 



Artist: … 

A combination of calligraphy, brickwork, and tiling, on the wall, the shrine of Imam Reza, Mashhad, Iran.


The art of calligraphy and tiling on the dome and the building of Gawharshad Mosque, Mashhad, Iran. 

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