[제2권 1호][2022.02][5] Religion in Togo -A Short Look at the Evolution and the Perception of Voodoo- > Journal of African Studies

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[제2권 1호][2022.02][5] Religion …


글쓴이 지중해지역원 조회 1,453 조회 날짜 23-03-16 14:26
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제목 : Religion in Togo -A Short Look at the Evolution and the Perception of Voodoo-

저자 : 무흐 루디빈 에스더(Mooh Ludivine Esther)

키워드 : 토고, 전통신앙, 부두교, 이슬람, 기독교(Togo, traditional religion, voodoo, Islam, Christian)

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