Crisis in the Maghreb > Domestics and Overseas Activities

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Domestics and Overseas Activities

언론보도 Crisis in the Maghreb

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Writer 지중해지역원 Hit 3,242 Hits Date 21-10-06 09:11
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A Rising Conflict in the Land of the Setting Sun

al-Maghrib, a combination of the Arabic noun modifier ma and the verb gharaba, which means “to set,” refers to the “place where the sun sets.” A romanticization denoting how the sun sets in the West, the term al-Maghrib, or its anglicization, the Maghreb, is contemporarily used as a geographic endonym to delimitate the area from Alexandria to the Atlantic coast of North Africa. Ironically however, the Land of the Setting Sun is slowly turning into a hotbed for a rising conflict. The ages-long conflict betwixt regional powers Algeria and Morocco has taken a turn for the worse, with the former having cut diplomatic ties with the latter, claiming that Rabat was behind the wildfires currently raging across Kabylia in the northern part of the country.

Bloodshed as Red as the Setting Sun

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