The Most Important Mediterranean Holy and Pilgrimage Cities
The Most Important Mediterranean Holy and Pilgrimage Cities
Mozafari Mohammad Hassan (Institute for Mediterranean Studies)
Holy places and cities are places that have been introduced as a holy land by religions, religious leaders, or religious followers, or from a religious and historical point of view, they have some kind of connection and relationship with God, religion, and religious icons; Or endowment and in the service of a particular religion or religions. In general, places of worship such as mosques, churches, and synagogues, are considered holy places. However, among all the holy cities and places of worship, some of them have extraordinary sanctity. The reason for such special sanctity is the occurrence of important and special religious, historical, or fateful events in these places. These important cities and places are actually relics of passionate, holy love and a strong center of attraction, which attract the attention and hearts of their lovers and draw them to themselves and become a pilgrimage site for lovers in love. This article has discussed only three of the most important cities in the region, including Jerusalem, Mecca, and Medina, which attract pilgrims from all over the world, and will introduce other cities in the future:
Jerusalem (Bayt al-Maqdis)
Jerusalem (in Arabic Bayt al-Maqdis, in Persian Bayt al-Muqaddas), is one of the holiest cities in the world for the followers of Abrahamic religions (Jews, Christians, and Muslims). According to the Old Testament, by the order of God, Solomon's Temple, the holiest place for Jews, was built in this city (The Committee on Bible Translation, 2022, pp. 1 King 6:1-13). According to the Jews, Solomon's Temple was on the rock, and the place where the Dome of the Rock is located now. Today, this is one of the disputes between Jews and Muslims. According to the Old Testament, the Romans attacked Jerusalem in ancient times and destroyed Solomon's Temple forever, and displaced the Jews. Jews consider the Western Wall to be the remains of Solomon's Temple and the closest place to that holy place. This place is now a place of pilgrimage and worship for the Jews. The old Jewish neighborhood of the city is located next to this wall.
The Western Wall and Temple of Rock, Jerusalem (Bayt al-Maqdis)
According to Christians, Jerusalem and especially the "Church of the Holy Sepulcher" is one of the holiest places in the world, because Jesus was crucified and buried there, and his resurrection was there. (The Committee on Bible Translation, 2022, pp. Matthew 27:45-66) This place is a place of pilgrimage and worship for Christians. Throughout the year, Christians from all over the world come to Jerusalem for pilgrimage and worship. Holy days and occasions for Christians are among the busiest days in this place.
Beyt al-Maqis (Jerusalem) is also an important holy place for Muslims. It is the place of birth, life, and activity of many prophets (the prophets of Bani Israel, including Jesus). Al-Aqsa Mosque (means all the land between the walls of the Sacred Haram including all its buildings), is among the holiest places on earth. This holy place was the first Qibla of Muslims, where Prophet Mohammad and all Muslims, at the beginning of Islam, prayed in its direction.
There are two buildings with large domes in this place, one is a Mosque, where Muslims hold their prayers, and the other is a building with a golden dome known as the Dome of the Rock, that commemorates the divine journey and the ascension of the Prophet Mohammad to the heavens. It has been built during the Umayyad dynasty (Sajadi, Sadiq, and others, 2005). The first verse of Surah Al-Israa introduces the city of Bayt al-Maqdis and its surroundings as one of the holiest places on earth. The management of this place is the responsibility of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who takes care of its affairs under the supervision of the Waqf Foundation and the Jordanian government. Muslims come to visit this holy place throughout the year. But Fridays, the days of the Month of Ramadan, and especially the last Friday of Ramadan are the busiest days. Tens of thousands of people go to the Mosque to pray.
Due to the fact that Jerusalem is sacred and a place of pilgrimage for the followers of Abrahamic religions, since Medieval time, the historical part of the city has been divided into four neighborhoods. In each of these neighborhoods, Muslims, Christians, Armenians, and Jews live separately from each other.
The city of Bethlehem is also one of the holy cities of the region. The city of Bethlehem is one of the pilgrimage destinations of people, especially Christians, from all over the world, and during Christmas, it is more than ever before the attention of pilgrims and Christians of the world. According to Christians, Bethlehem, and specifically the Church of the Nativity is the birthplace of Jesus. (The Committee on Bible Translation, 2022, p. Matthew 2:1) The Church of the Nativity is located in the old part of the city of Bethlehem in Palestine. Therefore, the Church of the Nativity, and the entire land of Palestine, are among the most sacred lands. Due to the fact that Muslims consider Jesus as the great prophet of God, and also according to tradition, Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, during his divine journey and ascension, also came to Bethlehem and the birthplace of Jesus, and prayed there, Bethlehem and the birthplace of Jesus are also respected by Muslims too (Ibn al-Athir, 1995, p. 52).
The Church of the Nativity was built by Constantine the Great in 326 and rebuilt again in the 6th century by Byzantine Emperor Justinian I (527-565) to its current form and is one of the oldest Christian places of worship. The Church of the Nativity includes three Roman Catholic, Armenian Apostolic, and Greek Orthodox monasteries. The Church of the Nativity has been on the World Heritage List since 2012.

According to the Qur'an, Mecca, and especially the Holy Mosque, is the holiest place and city. According to the primary sources of Islam (the Quran and the Prophet's Sunnah), the Kaaba is the first Mosque and place of worship on earth: “The first House established for the people was that at Bekka, a place holy, and a guidance to all beings.” (Arberry (Translated by), 2022, p. 26). This place has always been a holy place and the attention of believers. Muslims pray at least five times a day towards the Kaaba in Mecca.

Mecca is the birthplace of Muhammad the Prophet of Islam (PBUH). He spent more than five decades of his life in this city, and at the age of forty, he called people to Islam as a divine messenger. Every Muslim who is able to perform the Hajj ceremony (pilgrimage and worship), must go to Mecca, once in his lifetime. Muslims from all over the world go to Mecca and Medina individually or in caravans for pilgrimage and worship and religious ceremonies.
Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, invited people to monotheism in Mecca, his hometown, for thirteen years, but only a small group accepted his invitation. The pagans and elders of Mecca tortured and persecuted him and his followers even killed some of them and threatening to kill Muhammad as well. Finally, in 622 AD, Muhammad fled to Medina. He lived in this city for ten years, until the end of his life, found many followers and gradually the entire Arab island joined him and became Muslim. He turned primitive and tribal life into a united community and formed the first Islamic society in Madinah. He died in Medina in 632 and was buried in his own house. Since that day, his mosque and tomb in this city became a place of pilgrimage for Muslims around the world. (Ibn Hisham , p. 218)

In addition to the tomb of the Prophet, many of his companions, many Muslim personalities, and four of his descendants (the Shia imams) were buried in Medina (Al-Baqi Cemetery).
Arberry (Translated by). (2022, 9 25). The Holy Quran. Retrieved from tanzil:
Ibn al-Athir, A. i. (1995). Al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh 2. Beirut: Dar Sader.
Ibn Hisham , A.-M. (n.d.). Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyah 1. United Printing Company.
Sajadi, Sadiq, and others. (2005). The Great Islamic Encyclopedia 5. Tehran: The Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopedia.
The Committee on Bible Translation. (2022, 10 5). The Holy Bible. Retrieved from Holy Bible: