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북아프리카연구센터 Center for North African Studies(CNAS)

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Writer 지중해지역원 Hit 1,836 Hit Date 22-10-12 14:12
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Welcome to the Center for North African Studies (CNAS), 

one of the research centers conducted by the Institute of Mediterranean Studies (IMS), 

Busan University of Foreign Studies, Busan, South Korea.



CNAS was established in September 2022 to promote research studies focusing on the Southern shore of the Mediterranean seen in North African countries. This region is rich in its history and civilization with its valuable contribution to the development of intellectual life in the world. The research field of North African Studies widely varies to include many important topics. CNAS invites all researchers and students from over the world to participate in our research activities highlighting this part of the world. 

The mission of CNAS is to gather those researchers who are interested in the field of North African studies to exchange possible knowledge through its academic activities aiming to demonstrate the significance of North Africa within the global sphere. The research programs of CNAS include all possible intellectual fields of the North African countries introducing their history, societies, politics, economics, Arts, cultures, and all relevant topics.


The main activities of CNAS include an annual conference where researchers can share their knowledge and exchange information about the North African countries for a deeper and broader understanding of the region. The prominent research studies will be invited to be published in the Journal of African studies published by CNAS twice annually. Other CNAS Activities include Seminars, colloquiums, and various educational and cultural programs organized jointly with our research partners and academic experts of the North African region.

For more information about the activities of CNAS, please contact:

Director: Prof. Mona Farouk M. Ahmed


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